Press Release Headlines

The American Fertility Association Announces Plan to Help Young Women Preserve Fertility

NEW YORK, Ocy. 30. 2008 — The American Fertility Association introduces Manicures and Martinis, a new and innovative educational program which brings young women together in a casual setting over manicures and martinis while learning the "dos and don'ts" of preserving fertility. It's free, relaxing, fun, and educational. The series will roll through 20 U.S. cities and be hosted by leading professionals in the reproductive medical field, including Jamie Grifo, MD, PhD, of NYU School of Medicine.

The goal of the program is to bring young women the necessary information to help them preserve all of their fertility choices if and when they choose to use them, and inform young women of early treatment options should they need them.

Most young women in their 20's and early 30's are more interested in avoiding pregnancy than becoming moms. Choices made early on can effect whether a young woman will have the ability to become a mom later in life. There are things one can do to help prevent infertility: avoid exposure to certain environmental toxins; protect against sexually transmitted infections; and plan a family with the knowledge that fertility does decline with age.

Manicures and Martinis is the brainchild of Corey Whelan, Director of Development for The AFA, who was told at age 19 she'd never be able to have children. Sure enough, when she began trying in her 30's she struggled, but thankfully conceived twins through In Vitro Fertilization.

"As a mom, I feel very protective of young women today. Through The AFA, I have the ability to educate them about making choices – from going green to the possibility of freezing their eggs – in an appealing format. I know I would have been happy to attend a Manicures and Martinis at 25, but you couldn't have dragged me to an infertility seminar," says Whelan.

Manicures and Martinis will be held at some of the nation's finest and trendiest nail salons and restaurants with the first event taking place this winter at Dashing Diva Nail Salon in New York City. The AFA chose Dashing Diva because of their commitment to women's health and focus on formaldehyde-free nail polishes.

The AFA will launch this initiative with a recipe contest for the Fertilitini(TM), the special drink that will be served at all of the events. The AFA has already received enthusiastic encouragement from its supporters and expects Manicures and Martinis to be a tremendous success.

The AFA acknowledges Schering-Plough, the inaugural sponsor, for having the vision to help launch this program.

Applications are now being accepted to become a Speaker or Sponsor on a local or national level. Please contact Corey Whelan at 718.853.1411 or Email.

The American Fertility Association (The AFA), a national non-profit organization, is a lifetime resource for fertility preservation, reproductive health and family-building. An inclusive provider of advocacy, education and support services, The AFA is here to help.


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