Press Release Headlines

New Anonymous App 'ShareWhere' Exposes What Really Happens at the Places Around You

MIAMI, July 25, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Take a stroll down Ocean Drive on South Beach and you're likely to see some things that surprise you. Everything from flashing lights and quirky characters can make for an interesting night out. However, step into one of the clubs or bars that make up this art deco inspired street and that's when you may see some things that will shock you. That was the inspiration for Miami natives Geoffrey Chan and Michael Francis to create the app ShareWhere.

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"ShareWhere is a new anonymous social sharing application, it is location based and tied to the places and people around you. There are no usernames and it is 100% anonymous. Users can go on and post a picture or text and say what's on their mind about a specific location or place in their area. You can mention something that may have happened there in the past or expose a dirty little secret that is going on as we speak with absolutely no trace back to you. Users nearby can comment or direct message the author of a post and really get into the fun details," Chan explains.

Think of it as Whisper meets Yelp, its local interaction about the places in your city, however since it's completely anonymous, anything goes. However, this new anonymous app is not just about sharing the mischievous things that happen during a night out with friends. ShareWhere is an outlet for people to express anything that's on their mind about the locations around them. "We've seen everything from anonymous restaurant reviews to college students connecting and sharing secrets around campus. You never really know what to expect, there was a post recently of someone asking what to order at a restaurant while he was literally on a first date. It received a couple dozen responses and I think the consensus from the people around him was to get off your phone while you're on a first date," Chan jokingly said.

There is something unique to this anonymous app that sets it apart from the rest. When you are not only speaking about a random thought, but actually tying it to a certain location in your area, it adds another level of interest to the user that isn't normally there. Whether something is said about a place you have been to in the past or planned to one day go to, it makes it more personal and adds a deeper level of intrigue knowing it is nearby. It can be a location you are currently at such as a college campus or somewhere in town you were thinking about visiting like a bar or night club, it engages the user to know that is people around them and places they know of.

ShareWhere can be downloaded for free on the iTunes App Store

David Hernandez
Phone: (305) 722-7657