Press Release Headlines

Family Tragedy Inspires Guide to Affordable Care Act

As a contributor to Obamacare, Denecia Jones hopes to help the 57% of Americans who don't understand the reforms

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Denecia Jones lost her father to Pancreatic Cancer when she was 17.  Within weeks of his death, her family lost their home and their way of life because of the overwhelming medical bills not covered by her family's health insurance.  It is a tragedy she does not want other families to suffer.

Denecia shares, "We couldn't believe what was happening.  My parents had corporate jobs at Fortune 500 companies with full healthcare coverage.  When my Dad got sick, we thought most of the healthcare expenses would be covered.  We had no idea we would not only lose my Dad, but everything we owned as well… From that point on, I knew I wanted to help people understand insurance and protect themselves from ever having to go through what I went through."

Since then, Denecia has dedicated her life to helping families and businesses understand their insurance options.  As the Founder and CEO of D.A. Jones Insurance Services, she has helped hundreds of clients find the best insurance solution for their needs as well as the expertise on how to use those products to provide maximum benefit and protection to her clients.  As a representative for the National Association of Insurance Advisors in Washington, D.C., Denecia helped shape portions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Now, based on her experiences in Washington and managing her portfolio as the ACA comes into effect, she has created a simple-to-follow guide for readers to navigate Healthcare Reform entitled, The Simple Readers' Guide to Understanding the Affordable Care Act.

Denecia says the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) is filled with information that Americans need to understand now.  Individuals, families, and business owners are already seeing the effects of Health Care Reform and are struggling to figure out how to comply while keeping costs down.  But while companies like UPS, Delta and McDonald's have teams of lawyers to navigate all 2,409 pages of the ACA and figure out their best course of action, the majority of Americans have been left to fend for themselves.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 57% of Americans say they don't have enough information to understand the reforms. But that percentage is even higher among those who stand to benefit the most, with 67% of the uninsured and 68% of people with incomes below $40,000 unclear about what the reforms will mean for them.

Denecia's new guide is for all those people who don't have a team of lawyers.  It is for individuals, families, and business owners who need to understand the short term and long term effects of Obamacare so they can make informed decisions.

According to Denecia, "Millions of Americans are being profoundly affected by the Affordable Care Act.  People need to better understand not only how their pocketbooks will be affected, but how the evolution of this law will affect their medical care in both the present and the future."

Denecia Jones knows the Affordable Care Act inside and out and is on a mission to safely guide Americans into this new era of Health Care.

Denecia is available for interviews to discuss how people and businesses can navigate the new Affordable Care Act.

Richard Berman
R.H. Berman Communications
Chappaqua, New York