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La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre is Now Offering Kybella™

Board certified San Diego cosmetic surgeons reveal how to reduce submental fat

LA JOLLA, Calif., Oct. 8, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — The FDA recently approved a new, nonsurgical treatment for reducing fat under the chin: Kybella™. This injectable treatment is designed to help men and women who wish to eliminate submental fullness (a "double chin") but hope to avoid more invasive procedures, such as liposuction.

"Traditionally, excess fat under the chin was best treated with submental liposuction," says Ervin Wheeler, MD, FACS. "The accumulation of fat in the chin and neck area is problematic for many people, as a result of genetics, the natural aging process, and the difficulty of toning this area through exercise or diet."

La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre (LJCSC) is one of the first practices in San Diego to offer Kybella under the supervision of its board certified plastic surgeons. Results can be seen after a few short visits and up to 80% of patients are pleased with the appearance of their neck and chin following the treatment series.

Kybella uses deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat, to destroy fat cells under the chin. The molecule is delivered through a series of up to six injection sessions spaced one month apart. The cells under the chin cannot store or accumulate fat after they have been destroyed by the treatment, making Kybella a long-lasting solution for re-contouring the neck without surgery.

"I speak with many patients who are concerned about their chin and neck areas, who are either not ready to commit to surgery, or who do not require more invasive procedures to achieve their desired results now that we have Kybella," notes Dr. Johan Brahme, a board certified plastic surgeon at LJCSC.

Currently, Kybella is only available to surgeons and their staff who have participated in Kythera's Kybella training program. This ensures providers fully understand the safe and approved usage of the product.

"With any new product, it is crucial that providers are educated on the best techniques for administering the product safely and successfully," emphasizes board certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Smoot. "Our surgeons successfully completed the training program, and patients can feel confident that their Kybella injections will be performed with a commitment to patient safety and beautiful results."

Kybella is a comfortable treatment with minimal side effects, and results can be seen after just two to four sessions. Six sessions are the ideal course of treatment for maximum results. Finding a skilled and experienced injection professional is key to achieving a positive outcome.

"Providing patients with this nonsurgical treatment option will help men and women see results without undergoing liposuction or a necklift," says LJCSC surgeon Dr. H. Michael Roark. "I look forward to discussing this exciting new advancement with patients seeking Kybella treatments in San Diego."

About La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre: LJCSC is located in the Scripps/XIMED Medical Building on the Scripps Memorial Hospital Campus, at 9850 Genesee Avenue, Suite 130, in La Jolla, CA. The LJCSC Laser & Skincare Clinic is also located in the Scripps/XIMED Medical Building in Suite 380. Reach them by phone at 858-452-1981.

Media Contact: Marie Olesen, La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre. or 858-452-1981.